Outsourcing the development and maintenance of your project allows you to instantly and sustainably obtain the necessary technical skills within your organization.
Top level experts guaranteeing the quality of your product and reduced risk
Cost reduction through increased performance
Better internal performance enabled by the allocation of available resources to other equally important projects
And better external performance, your project being developed by experts in their field
A complete team of Developers, Project Managers, Product owners, Designers, etc.
An international team based in Paris and Lisbon (support in EN, FR, PT)
Transparency on the progress of your project
And autonomy, so you can focus on your job
Finalised project
Satisfied customers
Drunk coffees
128 rue de la Boétie
75008 Paris FRANCE
+33 1 80 89 34 21
Rua do Conde de Redondo, 145
Andar n°3
1150 - 104 Lisboa PORTUGAL